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30 IMM Hair Brush for ZBrush

Dylan Kowalski
(28 ratings)
Product description
9 ratings

30 IMM Hair Brush for ZBrush

Perfect brush to make hair in Zbrush

These brush was build when I work on the Shinobi Project, there are a lot of time & experimentation before selling it,

Shinobi Project:

I really want to build something different than the other hair brush you can find on internet, with different part & size of hair in the same brush, that allows you to create variations in your hair style.


Work only on zBrush !  Version 2018 & Higher

Imm brush are easy to use, just work with the curve system of zbrush, drag your curve, select the hair you want and it's done !

All the brush are optimized, subdiv ready & ready for UV, texturing etc.

( Most of the brush are close with open hole, perfect to use with the Tube Groom tool, for Xgen )


How to Install :

Just copy the brush file into     ''  C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2020.1\ZBrushes  ''

Select the brush on your lightbox ''Brush'' Panel.

Press M to see all the brush !

I also put a brush settings picture in the downloaded files.


30 IMM Hair Brush for ZBrush

Product description
9 ratings

30 IMM Hair Brush for ZBrush

Perfect brush to make hair in Zbrush

These brush was build when I work on the Shinobi Project, there are a lot of time & experimentation before selling it,

Shinobi Project:

I really want to build something different than the other hair brush you can find on internet, with different part & size of hair in the same brush, that allows you to create variations in your hair style.


Work only on zBrush !  Version 2018 & Higher

Imm brush are easy to use, just work with the curve system of zbrush, drag your curve, select the hair you want and it's done !

All the brush are optimized, subdiv ready & ready for UV, texturing etc.

( Most of the brush are close with open hole, perfect to use with the Tube Groom tool, for Xgen )


How to Install :

Just copy the brush file into     ''  C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2020.1\ZBrushes  ''

Select the brush on your lightbox ''Brush'' Panel.

Press M to see all the brush !

I also put a brush settings picture in the downloaded files.


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