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50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

Omid Mousakhani
(48 ratings)
Product description

50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

info about this Product : 

  • 50 Brushes & Alpha (4k Resolution )

  • Zbrush Brush (ZBP)

  • PSD (Alpha)

  • PNG (Alpha)

  • TIF (Alpha)

  • JPG (Alpha)

  • Help Text File (Txt)

  • PSD, PNG, PDF, TIF, ZBP,JPG (Alpha), JPG ( preview ), Txt
    • Please rate and review this Product! It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that! 

      Note : 

      • To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018

50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

Product description

50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

50 Seam Brushes Without Stitches (4k)+Alpha -Vol 02

info about this Product : 

  • 50 Brushes & Alpha (4k Resolution )

  • Zbrush Brush (ZBP)

  • PSD (Alpha)

  • PNG (Alpha)

  • TIF (Alpha)

  • JPG (Alpha)

  • Help Text File (Txt)

  • PSD, PNG, PDF, TIF, ZBP,JPG (Alpha), JPG ( preview ), Txt
    • Please rate and review this Product! It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that! 

      Note : 

      • To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018

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