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How to Make Stylized Smart Material - Substance Painter Tutorial

(7 ratings)
Product description

How to Make Stylized Smart Material - Substance Painter Tutorial

You get the following

  • Step by Step Video Tutorial
  • Substance Painter File to follow along( must have version 2018.1.1 or higher to open the Painter File, this file is not required to follow the tutorial)

    • Learn how to easily create a stylized material within Substance Painter. Learn how to convert this into a smart material that you can use across multiple models to keep your workflow consistent!


      • Learn how to add a stylized metal layer to your stylized material

        • About 3DEX

          • Has almost 10 years of experience doing 3D
          • Has been working in the video-game industry for game studios for the past 5 years
          • Has been teaching 3D online since 2011

            • For example models using this material, click here

Staff Pick

How to Make Stylized Smart Material - Substance Painter Tutorial

Product description

How to Make Stylized Smart Material - Substance Painter Tutorial

You get the following

  • Step by Step Video Tutorial
  • Substance Painter File to follow along( must have version 2018.1.1 or higher to open the Painter File, this file is not required to follow the tutorial)

    • Learn how to easily create a stylized material within Substance Painter. Learn how to convert this into a smart material that you can use across multiple models to keep your workflow consistent!


      • Learn how to add a stylized metal layer to your stylized material

        • About 3DEX

          • Has almost 10 years of experience doing 3D
          • Has been working in the video-game industry for game studios for the past 5 years
          • Has been teaching 3D online since 2011

            • For example models using this material, click here

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
21 hours