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Male Ecorche

(1 ratings)
Product description

Male Ecorche

This is a high poly model based on the proportions of a male from Gottfried Bammes's anatomy books.

It contains:

- simplified skeleton,

- more than 90 muscles of the face and body.

Each muscle or bone has its own subtool properly named.

Rendered in KeyShot with standard skin material.

It is a helpful product to improve anatomy skills for digital sculptor and character artist.

Male Ecorche

Product description

Male Ecorche

This is a high poly model based on the proportions of a male from Gottfried Bammes's anatomy books.

It contains:

- simplified skeleton,

- more than 90 muscles of the face and body.

Each muscle or bone has its own subtool properly named.

Rendered in KeyShot with standard skin material.

It is a helpful product to improve anatomy skills for digital sculptor and character artist.

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