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Mastering Organic Sculpting In 3D (Updated)

(27 ratings)
Product description
3 ratings

Mastering Organic Sculpting In 3D (Updated)


I've decided to get rid of the tier system of the tutorial and include content that was previously available only to level 2. This includes:

  • the much asked for one-hour long sculpting session of the cube with commentary
  • 3 videos where I "fix" a model applying the tools and principles described in the masterclass (also with commentary)
  • a few alphas
  • I've lowered the price of the masterclass, too

If you purchased the masterclass before the update and would like to receive the new content, please send me a message with confirmation of your original purchase. 

This is the synthesis of my 15+ of experience as a digital sculptor and an artist. Being an observer and having somewhat of an obsessive personality, the strive for perfection in my work has always been a force. What You'll get is the result of this obsession and countless of hours spent sculpting, reading, listening, observing and thinking. If I was to go back to early 2000s when I was starting on this tremendously satisfying journey, and I was to pick a resource that would allow to skip years of research, slamming into walls, feelings of dissatisfaction from my own creations, I would've certainly picked this tutorial.

In all seriousness though, this is as far as I could push the medium and myself at this point. Perhaps the next tutorial will take me another 15 years to make, but for the tim

Mastering Organic Sculpting In 3D (Updated)

Product description
3 ratings

Mastering Organic Sculpting In 3D (Updated)


I've decided to get rid of the tier system of the tutorial and include content that was previously available only to level 2. This includes:

  • the much asked for one-hour long sculpting session of the cube with commentary
  • 3 videos where I "fix" a model applying the tools and principles described in the masterclass (also with commentary)
  • a few alphas
  • I've lowered the price of the masterclass, too

If you purchased the masterclass before the update and would like to receive the new content, please send me a message with confirmation of your original purchase. 

This is the synthesis of my 15+ of experience as a digital sculptor and an artist. Being an observer and having somewhat of an obsessive personality, the strive for perfection in my work has always been a force. What You'll get is the result of this obsession and countless of hours spent sculpting, reading, listening, observing and thinking. If I was to go back to early 2000s when I was starting on this tremendously satisfying journey, and I was to pick a resource that would allow to skip years of research, slamming into walls, feelings of dissatisfaction from my own creations, I would've certainly picked this tutorial.

In all seriousness though, this is as far as I could push the medium and myself at this point. Perhaps the next tutorial will take me another 15 years to make, but for the tim

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
4 hours