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Power of Texture Brushwork

(8 ratings)
Product description

Power of Texture Brushwork

The power of Texture Brushwork, will talk about how to effectively approach using tons of texture brushes. Some of the talking points are below:

Video 1:

  • The importance of having a go to brush.
  • Knowing what your textures are used for.
  • How to make your own texture brushes.

    • Video 2:

      • The power of thoughtful brush selection.
      • Using the eraser as a way to balance the odds.
      • Using Layers to your advantage.
      • Lasso tool to control edges.

        • Video 3:

          • Touch ups, plus a bonus demo.

Power of Texture Brushwork

Product description

Power of Texture Brushwork

The power of Texture Brushwork, will talk about how to effectively approach using tons of texture brushes. Some of the talking points are below:

Video 1:

  • The importance of having a go to brush.
  • Knowing what your textures are used for.
  • How to make your own texture brushes.

    • Video 2:

      • The power of thoughtful brush selection.
      • Using the eraser as a way to balance the odds.
      • Using Layers to your advantage.
      • Lasso tool to control edges.

        • Video 3:

          • Touch ups, plus a bonus demo.
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