PSO 2 Soro Female And Soro Male
A bundle of CAST SORO from Phantasy Star Online 2 fan art ready for a game engine I included the .ma -fbx and OBJ textures clean or damaged if you need 3D Game Assets or STL files I can do commission works.
Male Soro
Verts 10003 Edges 19440 Faces 1704 Tris 17702 size 4096 x 4096
Textures Base color, emissive, metallic, ao, normal map, opacity, roughness format png I added the damaged and clean version
Female Soro
Verts 16152 Edges 15894 Faces 8034 Tris 14476 size 4096 x 4096
Textures Base color, emissive, metallic, ao, normal map, opacity, roughness format png I added the damaged and clean version
PSO 2 Soro Female And Soro Male
PSO 2 Soro Female And Soro Male
A bundle of CAST SORO from Phantasy Star Online 2 fan art ready for a game engine I included the .ma -fbx and OBJ textures clean or damaged if you need 3D Game Assets or STL files I can do commission works.
Male Soro
Verts 10003 Edges 19440 Faces 1704 Tris 17702 size 4096 x 4096
Textures Base color, emissive, metallic, ao, normal map, opacity, roughness format png I added the damaged and clean version
Female Soro
Verts 16152 Edges 15894 Faces 8034 Tris 14476 size 4096 x 4096
Textures Base color, emissive, metallic, ao, normal map, opacity, roughness format png I added the damaged and clean version