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Realistic Face Creation in Blender

Konrad Hetko
(27 ratings)
Product description
5 ratings

Realistic Face Creation in Blender


In this course, I will walk you through my approach for creating a realistic face in Blender! Everything is made using a free software package- Blender, XNormal, Photoshop/Krita.

I will explain to you some basics of facial anatomy and give tips and tricks on how to find all the most important landmarks in your sculpture.

After this, I gonna walk you through all the stages necessary to create a believable face.

When we will be done with the face, I gonna introduce you to a Hair Particle System implemented in Blender. I'll show you how to groom your character, and create all the facial hair.

In the end, I will present to you my material setup and explain how to render your work in Cycles.

What's inside:

Video Tutorials:

  1. Introduction and reference talk- Short intro and talk about gathering proper references
  2. Skull anatomy and proportions- I will show you bone landmarks to look for in your sculpting process, as well as proportions of the face. In the end, we gonna look at some real-life photos and figure out what lies beneath the skin.
  3. Face anatomy and fat landmarks- Here we will focus on specific parts of the face, like mouth or eyes and fat tissues that sit under skin. In the end, like in the previous one, we gonna take a look at the reference photos.
  4. Base sculpting- We will sculpt our base mesh on top of which we gonna bu

Realistic Face Creation in Blender

Product description
5 ratings

Realistic Face Creation in Blender


In this course, I will walk you through my approach for creating a realistic face in Blender! Everything is made using a free software package- Blender, XNormal, Photoshop/Krita.

I will explain to you some basics of facial anatomy and give tips and tricks on how to find all the most important landmarks in your sculpture.

After this, I gonna walk you through all the stages necessary to create a believable face.

When we will be done with the face, I gonna introduce you to a Hair Particle System implemented in Blender. I'll show you how to groom your character, and create all the facial hair.

In the end, I will present to you my material setup and explain how to render your work in Cycles.

What's inside:

Video Tutorials:

  1. Introduction and reference talk- Short intro and talk about gathering proper references
  2. Skull anatomy and proportions- I will show you bone landmarks to look for in your sculpting process, as well as proportions of the face. In the end, we gonna look at some real-life photos and figure out what lies beneath the skin.
  3. Face anatomy and fat landmarks- Here we will focus on specific parts of the face, like mouth or eyes and fat tissues that sit under skin. In the end, like in the previous one, we gonna take a look at the reference photos.
  4. Base sculpting- We will sculpt our base mesh on top of which we gonna bu
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