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Sculpted Eyes Pack 1

(21 ratings)
Product description

Sculpted Eyes Pack 1

25 Unique eyes, a few variants, and 2 corneas/sclera (outer eye) meshes for a total of 30 meshes.

A wide variety of styles. Mostly stylized and some classical and more realistic sculpts. Perfect for concepts, experimentation, as well as final image renders.

Created ~size of an average human adult eye.

Most were made using ZModeler, while some were hand sculpted and decimated. Kept polygroups in place when practical.

Sculpted Eyes Pack 1

Product description

Sculpted Eyes Pack 1

25 Unique eyes, a few variants, and 2 corneas/sclera (outer eye) meshes for a total of 30 meshes.

A wide variety of styles. Mostly stylized and some classical and more realistic sculpts. Perfect for concepts, experimentation, as well as final image renders.

Created ~size of an average human adult eye.

Most were made using ZModeler, while some were hand sculpted and decimated. Kept polygroups in place when practical.

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