Whispering Pines
Hello everyone! ✨
I’m excited to share a new character to the world of Mineko. he is Haku, a mysterious character amidst this serene and dreamlike landscape, a figure of quiet power and enigmatic beauty, his presence as fleeting as the morning mist.
When painting this, I wanted the mood of the piece to feel soft and gentle, from the expression to the color palette. The main character didn’t need to stand out too much, so I placed him in the shade of the forest with just a touch of highlighting to balance the values and anchor the viewer’s gaze. Beyond that, the character almost blends into the environment.
[Total completion time is about more than 11 hours]
In this section you will get :
-real-time drawing video: 11h04m
-high quality image: 5k
-the brushes I use
-PSD file
Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines
Hello everyone! ✨
I’m excited to share a new character to the world of Mineko. he is Haku, a mysterious character amidst this serene and dreamlike landscape, a figure of quiet power and enigmatic beauty, his presence as fleeting as the morning mist.
When painting this, I wanted the mood of the piece to feel soft and gentle, from the expression to the color palette. The main character didn’t need to stand out too much, so I placed him in the shade of the forest with just a touch of highlighting to balance the values and anchor the viewer’s gaze. Beyond that, the character almost blends into the environment.
[Total completion time is about more than 11 hours]
In this section you will get :
-real-time drawing video: 11h04m
-high quality image: 5k
-the brushes I use
-PSD file